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With youtube and soundcloud, mount your own movie

On numerous occasions, we pull video resources to teach or show something. However, it is difficult to find in a single video all those things that we intend to show; In most cases we usually resort to creating our own playlists within YouTube.

Youtube cloud video editing

There is a way to collect all the videos that are going to serve us in our exhibition, select those fragments that we want and merge them quickly and easily, into a single video that will be the one that we finally show to our audience.

And we are going to achieve this with  DRAGONTAPE , an application in the cloud and also available for IOS devices that will allow us to do the assembly in a very short time.

The functionality of the application is not only directed to YouTube videos but also to YouTube videos that are posted on twitter or audio files that are in  SOUNDCLOUD  . In short, this tool greatly simplifies the creation of our audio and video compositions.

Video editing can be done individually or collaboratively (between several students or several teachers). The final result can be seen through a URL, embed the video within our blog, our wiki, webquest, etc.

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